Thursday, 3 March 2016

Fairy Chair in 1/12 scale

Without a doubt, making miniature furniture certainly presents some challenges. As I have mentioned before - scale is paramount, when dealing with items that are readily identifiable in the full-scale world, the proportions have to be as close as we can get them in miniature.
We are all so used to subconsciously absorbing information about everyday things, that when we see something that jars, we may not know why, but somehow, our brain is telling us that something is not as it should be - and the paradox is: In miniature, that whole feeling is magnified.
1/12th scale Fairy Chair

Here is a chair that I have made out of: Willow, Ash and Driftwood.

The overall height is about 4.5 inches as I wanted it to have a tall back to accommodate the piece of driftwood that is forming part of the back support.
The other dimensions can be pretty much worked out by comparing to the height of the chair.

Miniature Fairy Chair

Even the size of some of the natural detail needs to be taken into account, especially when combining materials that are from the same source but are part of a different part of the tree or whatever your source might be.

There is no hard and fast rule for calculating the scale of natural detail; you can only look at the item and if your brain is telling you that there is something not quite right - then that is generally the case, and you need to work through some of the options i.e. trial and error.

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